Secondo macchinario compr

300 1DB

Brushing unit built on robber molding injection machines having 300 ton molding loan. Fixed and mobile structure in steel carpentry produced on the machine tool. Single axis with 2 brushes. Axis ascent and descent driven by linear ball guides and motorized through linear actuators. Brush rotation electrically motorized by toothed belt transmission integrated in the structure. Horizontal movement driven by linear ball guides through electric motor. Optional blowing system.

Tecnical data
Numero di assi/ Number of axis / Achsen Nr. 1
Numero spazzole/ Number of brush/ BÜrsten Nr 1
Lunghezza spazzole/ Brush length/ Bürstenlänge mm 525
Diametro spazzole/Brush diameter/BÜrstendurchmesser mm 190
Useful stroke adjustment brush A min mm 114
Useful stroke adjustment brush A MAX mm 909
Min: lunghezza stampo/mold width/ Mindestlänge Form mm 340
Max: lunghezza stampo/mold width/ Länge Form mm 900
Useful vertical stroke brushes mm 1100
Spessore setole/ Bristle thickness/ Borstendichkle mm 0,4-0,6-0,8
Motorized linear actuator for brush’s vertical movement 1 e 2
Potenza nominale/ Nominal power/Nennleistung kW 1,451
Corrente nominale / Nominal current/ Nennstorm A 2,84
Velcoità nominale /Rated speed/ Nenndrehzahl Rpm 3000
Brushes’ electrospindles
Potenza nominale/ Nominal power/Nennleistung kW 0,75
Corrente nominale / Nominal current/ Nennstorm A 4,3/2,6
Velcoità nominale /Rated speed/ Nenndrehzahl Rpm 3000
Voltaggio Nominale/ Nominal voltage/ Nennleistung V 380
Frequenza/ Frequency/ Frequenz Hz 50
Pressione massima/ Max air pressure/ Luftdruck bar 6
approximative mass of the brushing unit kg 500
Lunghezza/ Lenght machine/ Maschinenlänge (L) mm 1520
Larghezza /Width machine/ Maschinenbreite (W) mm 960
Altezza /Heigth machine/ Maschinenhohe (H) mm 2360